Get to Know Your
Learning Design Experts

Anderson Studios is powered by a diverse team of creative problem-solvers, strategists, and learning design experts. With a shared passion for delivering innovative, learner-centric solutions, we bring energy, expertise, and dedication to every project.

Paul Lensen

Managing Director

Deidré Johnson

Strategic Partner

Jaimie Corbishley

Head of Operations

Justine Marcus

Head of Business Development

Alexandra van Eeden

Head of Marketing

Kendra Kang

Senior Video Editor and Motion Graphics Artist

Tonga Isango

Videographer and Cinematographer

Jacques de Villiers

Video Editor and Cinematographer

Rowena Pienaar

Office Manager

Kumeshnee West

Chairperson of the Advisory Board

Partner with Our Instructional Design Specialists

With our multidisciplinary expertise in video production, animation, live-streamed training, and instructional design, we’re ready to bring your vision to life and deliver measurable results.

Contact Anderson Studios to create training experiences that captivate, inspire, and empower your learners.
