What’s next for airline HSE videos in 2023

If you’ve ever sat in an extra-leg room seat in the rows nearest to the wings of the aircraft, you would be familiar with the question: “In the event of an emergency landing, would you be prepared to open the emergency doors aboard this flight?”  

As we now stand, airline health and safety videos (or pre-flight safety briefing videos) do, in fact, explain that the cabin is pressurised to mimic air pressure at about a fifth of standard cruising altitude.

But what does this actually mean? 

Functionally, it means that it is relatively  impossible to open an emergency exit door whilst at cruising altitude. 

With the experience of the average air traveller, how well do you think the current iteration of health and safety videos has prepared them for this duty? 

Challenges of aviation HSE videos

Based on the above scenario, the aviation industry has a tremendous opportunity to stand out in the crowd.

The opportunity presents itself as a challenge.

How do we communicate complex information in a potentially dangerous situation?

Will passengers be able to remain calm and clear-minded enough to remember to put their oxygen mask on first – if air pressure drops, before trying with all their might to heave open a door that will not open at altitude? 

Say by some terribly slim percentage that the doors do in fact open at altitude, will this individual know that the difference in pressure will cause any and all loose objects to be forcefully sucked out of the aircraft – perhaps this is an appropriate time for the fasten seatbelts signal to be promptly turned on. 

Although this hypothetical question is dramatic, it might be more appropriate to ask them these questions:

  • Do they know that the door can only be opened when the aircraft is no longer in flight?
  • Do they know that the door can be opened by pushing down on the emergency lever, pulling the door up and toward them, and then pushing the door open to fully open it?
  • Can they assess whether conditions outside the exit are safe?

Seemingly simple enough on paper, but in the midst of mortal panic and a lack of operational training, it could be a daunting duty – if not life-threateningly important – to perform. 

Simulation may be the next step in aviation HSE videos

If the quest is to get passengers to engage with the HSE videos so that they can perform the necessary health and safety executives, then not only do they need video content that is relevant to them, and engaging, they need to actually practise or experience it. 

With the advent of AR and simulation technology, it is possible for airlines to deliver immersive health and safety training, way beyond what was possible five or ten years ago. 

This is potentially the direction that the next step in airline HSE videos can move towards. 

This will allow passengers to simulate this critical scenario and practice or rehearse the necessary procedures.

Do you need your own aviation HSE videos?

Talk to us. We have the expertise and experience in animation, video content creation, education, and aviation to create your own tailored, personalised health and safety videos.