Induction & Training: How Oil & Gas Companies Use Video for Operational Excellence

At the heart of any successful organisation lies an engaged and informed workforce. One of the most effective ways to ensure that your employees are aligned with your company’s vision, values, and operational standards is through comprehensive induction and training programs. Enter Anderson Studios.

Who are we?

With over two decades of rich experience, Anderson Studios stands tall as a full-service video and content production agency. We pride ourselves on partnering with organisations that prioritise workplace safety, immersive training, and robust communications.

Our expertise lies in distilling complex technical information into easily digestible content, suited for both internal and external audiences. Our services span live video production, animation, VR, E-learning, and live streaming.

induction training oil gas

Our Offerings at a Glance

Our Approach: The E-ADDIE System

Every project at Anderson Studios begins with a dedicated team that understands the nuances of your brief. Using our version of the well established E-ADDIE system, we ensure clarity and thoroughness before diving into video or animation production.

A Learning Framework Your New Starters

A digital communications strategy elevates Operational Excellence for any company. This strategy hinges on a three-tiered framework:

  1. Employee Induction
  2. Site-Specific Inductions
  3. HSE Awareness Training

(Note: Competency-based training will be overseen by a certified training provider and is not included in our framework at this time.)

Why a Learning Framework?

Video is not just a medium. It’s a dynamic tool that introduces and elucidates advanced safety technologies and practices. By integrating video into HSE instruction, organisations can perpetuate a culture of relentless improvement.

oil & gas induction training videos

Delving Deeper into the Framework

1. Employee Induction: “The Foundation” The inaugural induction provides a deep dive into your company’s ethos, focusing on its values, vision, mission, and the importance of HSE. Our proposed induction video will cover:

  • Introduction the company
  • Core values, vision, and mission
  • Commitment to HSE
  • QHSE Policy Statement
  • General Processes and Site-Specific Videos
  • CEO and GM’s Welcome Message emphasising Operational Excellence

2. Site-Specific Inductions: Your Work, Your World Different sites come with distinct challenges. Site-specific inductions address this by educating employees about the particular risks and safety protocols of their designated locations. From ‘Line of Fire Awareness’ to ‘Safe Chemical Handling and Storage’, each aspect is dealt with precision.

3. HSE Awareness Videos: Bridging Knowledge Gaps HSE awareness training videos are the bridge between company-wide and site-specific safety practices. These videos, tailored to specific job tasks, play a pivotal role in reinforcing safe work procedures.

induction video safety training oil and gas industry

The Ultimate Goal: Operational Excellence in Oil & Gas

Your induction and on-going safety training in the oil and gas industry is what prevents fatal and life-changing injuries. It reduces your exposure as a company to accidental risks as your staff work with equipment, chemicals, and environments that are high risk. 

Safety is your number one priority. Our framework supports this

  • Cultivate a safety-centric culture
  • Offer content that is highly relevant and engaging
  • Incorporate assessments to measure employee understanding and areas of improvement. 
  • Supports audit requirements
  • Aligns to the relevant ISO requirements 
  • Aligns to informed IOGP standards 

At Anderson Studios, we have the experience and expertise in the oil and gas industry that you need. We understand this balance, and we’re here to help you achieve it. Partner with us, and let’s craft content that not only educates but also inspires. We are at Africa Oil Week and Africa Energy week – come and talk to us! We are ready to help you do more, safer.